Fire Star (novel)

Fire Star  

Fire Star
Author(s) Chris D'Lacey
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series The Last Dragon Chronicles
Genre(s) Fantasy novel
Publisher Scholastic Press
Publication date September 7, 2005
Media type Print (Paperback), (Hardback)
Pages 464 pp
ISBN 1-843-62522-9
OCLC Number 62152419
Preceded by Icefire
Followed by The Fire Eternal

Fire Star is a 2005 novel by an English author, Chris D'Lacey. It is the sequel to his 2003 novel Icefire, and is followed by The Fire Eternal, which came out in September 2007.


Plot summary

Since David and Zanna are in the Arctic, they are unaware of what is happening back at home with Gretel, Zanna's new dragon. After a few hours of Grockle's existence, he was turned to stone. Gretel, still upset about it, attempts to revive her lost friend. Liz had locked her up in a wooden cage in the Dragon's Den (her at-home workshop).

Meanwhile in the Arctic, David writes a novel of the Arctic which he calls White Fire. He thinks what he's writing is fiction, but it's really happening to two male bears he called Ingavar and Thoran. As Thoran peacefully follows a sign, Ingavar must follow straight orders from one of Davids old enemies to steal something very precious from David.

Tension is rising at the Pennykettles' as Lucy is suddenly kidnapped by a long forgotten rival. This 'rival' wishes to raise the ancient dragon Gawain from his stone-laden resting place. Over the time Lucy is there, she goes through extreme changes. Gwilanna knew this would happen as Lucy began to look like Guinevere, her ancestor.

After a sudden bear attack and the news about Lucy, David returns home to help Liz overcome this rough time. In the middle of a serious conversation with Liz, David receives a heart-breaking phone call. He has just learned Zanna, his girlfriend, has just been kidnapped by bears. Under all this pressure, David breaks down. Liz soothes him in dragonsong, the ancient soothing method Guinevere used on the ancient dragon Gawain.

While David is home, Grockle suddenly awakens to find the window opened. Curious as he was, he flew out of the window. Nobody could believe it. Happiness, shock and horror welled up in everyone at the sight of Grockle's sudden move.

Lucy is not having a good time at all. She must eat the disgusting stuff Gwilanna enjoys eating everyday. She decides to explore the cave of Gawain when Gwilanna leaves one day. She pushed around and discovers a secret hideaway she thinks her ancestor, Gwendolen, used. Eventually, she falls asleep by the bones of Gwendolen and a bear that guarded her. A female bear that thinks it is her 'last season on earth' ventures into the cave, down into the hideaway, and decides to follow the dead bears example. She guarded Lucy as she slept. Gwilanna returns and finds the hole. She notices Lucy and the female bear. She decides tiredly to leave them be.

David gets Liz to tell her who Arthur is after Gadzooks gave him the name out of nowhere. After hearing the cruel things Gwilanna did to break-up Arthur and Liz, he travels to Farlowe Island to find Arthur.

Arthur goes by life on a religious island. He chooses the name Brother Vincent. He goes through a lot on the island. In fact, he survives a vicious Fain attack (the Fain are invisible creatures from Ki:mera. There are two races, the Ix:risors and the regular Fain. The regular ones accept dragons, while Ix:risors try to make anti-dragons).

David arrives at the island and calms down the scared yet vicious Grockle. Grockle flies to the Arctic when David tells him to. After a while of introductions and explanations, Arthur teaches David how to use Dr. Bergstrom's mysterious talisman to teleport from place to place.

David teleports to the Arctic and battles the very same Ix to the death. The Ix stabs two spears of ice through David's chest, but David won't die because the ice is really Gawain's fire tear. David kills the Ix. Zanna, in tears, comes running over to David. They get locked in a heart-breaking conversation. After assuring her they'd meet once more and giving her a Valentine's Day gift, (a new dragon, G'lant, which you can only see if you really believe in dragons) he parts from Zanna. Some polar bears take David's body on a piece of ice, Ingavars spirit lays down by his head and the polar bears pound the ice and send David and Ingavar into the water.

Back at home, after releasing Snigger into the wild after his kidnapping by Gwilanna, Zanna tells Liz, Lucy and Arthur that she is pregnant with David's baby.


David Rain - The main character of the series. David has got a job in the Arctic to research the melting ice caps. He has three dragons, one named Gadzooks a writing dragon, which helps David with his stories. Also G'reth a wishing dragon and a dragon he made himself and calls it Gollygosh "Golly" Golightly, a natural healing dragon. Zanna is his girlfriend. He has written a book called “Snigger and Nutbeast" and he is writing a new book called "White Fire".

Elizabeth Pennykettle (Liz) - Liz is able to make clay dragons she made come to life with icefire. She has a daughter named Lucy .She is a landlady to David. Liz is a descendant of Guinevere and can speak in dragon tongue. Her dragon is Guinevere.

Lucy Pennykettle - Lucy is Liz's daughter. She is very fond of animals especially squirrels. Lucy can make clay dragons as well. She is the one who created G'reth. Her dragon is Gwendolen.

Suzanna Martindale (Zanna) - Zanna is a goth girl who goes to Scrubbley College with David. She is currently in the Arctic studying the ice caps melting. David is Zanna's boyfriend. Her dragon is Gretel, a potion-making dragon. She is a sibyl like Gwilanna. She is a distant relative of Gwendolen(the 'hybrid' daughter of Guinevere).

Gwilanna - An ancient sibyl who has help the Guinevere line with child/egg birth. Others know her outside the Guinevere family as "Aunty Gwyneth". She is very curious of David inner powers. Gretel was her old dragon. Gwilanna is always trying to learn about the fire tear to bring dragons back to life.

Arthur Merriman - Liz's ex-boyfriend. He left Liz because he knew Lucy was not his baby and because of Gwilanna. Arthur is known as Brother Vincent on Farlowe Island.

Henry Bacon - Henry is Liz's neighbour. He is always helping Liz with electronics, like her car. Henry is very interested in cosmology. Mr. Bacon works at Scrubbley Library and also knows Zanna from the library.

Dr. Bergstrom - A scientist who works in the Arctic, he is a strange man who knows about polar bears. He has a dragon named Groyne, but Liz or Lucy did not make him. He is immortal prior to David seeing him in a photo with Mr. Bacon’s ancestor. He is able to turn into the polar bear Thoran.

Tootega - He is an Inuit who works with David and Zanna in the Arctic. He doesn't get along with most people especially Zanna. He is later controlled by the Ix.

Brother Bernard - He is a monk who lives on Farlowe Island. At first he doesn't believe in dragons, but brother Vincent (Arthur) convinces him, with the help of Grockle. He goes to Farlowe island because he stole candy when he was younger and never forgave himself.

Guinevere - She is the one who caught Gawain's fire tear and brought it to Gwilanna. She is an ancestor to Liz and Lucy.

Gwendolen - Daughter of Guinevere and Gawain, was raised by Gwilanna.

Fain - A creature that likes to commingle with people. This creature accepts dragons.

The Ix - Fain-like creatures. One had attempted to make anti-dragons with the fire star and Gawain's fire tear.

Bonnington - The Pennykettle's tabby cat. invaded by a Fain at the end of Fire Star, which becomes permanently bonded to him, allows him to randomly change his appearance into any feline animal he wishes.


Gadzooks(Zookie) - David's special writing dragon. Liz made him as a housewarming gift for David.

G'reth - David's special wishing dragon. Lucy made him, but Gadzooks wrote the name on his pad and David suggests this to her.

Gretel - Owned by the sibyl Gwilanna, but then chose Zanna. She is a potions dragon.

Gruffen - The guard dragon. He is slightly hopeless.

Grockle - A real dragon that Zanna quickened the egg in Icefire. Born without fire, he turned to stone. He is brought back to life again when the dragons harness the icefire in Bonnington's saliva, and he escapes into the world.

Gollygosh Golightly (Golly) - A dragon that David made. He is a natural healing dragon.

Gwillan - A household dragon. He does chores around the Pennykettle home.

Guinevere - Liz's dragon. She and Gawain help with the dragon-making.

Gawain - The last real dragon in the world. He fell in love with the human Guinevere. He shed his fire tear to her.

G'lant - David and Grockle in their illuminated state.

Godith - The dragon who supposedly created the world.

Groyne - A bird like dragon that was made for Bergstorm. He can turn invisible and transform into other clay dragons. He is very powerful.

Grace - Sophie's (David's ex-girlfriend) listening dragon.

The Listener - A listening dragon like Grace. He can sense sound waves and is on the top of the fridge.

Polar bears

Thoran - The hero of David's book "White Fire". A teller of the ways. He is a form of Dr. Bergstrom. He rescues Guinevere from Gwilanna.

Ingavar - A great descendant of Ragnar who takes the Tooth of Ragnar and fuses with it so he may become the ancestor before him. He trys to learn of the teller of the ways from Thoran.

Ragnar - One of the legendary polar bears who has fighting scars all over him. He is said to have roared so loud that a tooth came out of his mouth, and he pounded it into the ice and it formed the island called the Tooth of Ragnar. He was one of the nine bears that used to rule the Arctic.

Lorel - A Teller of Ways. He was also one of the original nine bears.